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While not exactly pertaining to either business or computer science, AP exams have played a large role in my high school experience so I feel they deserve a proper discussion. The main objective of this article is to describe my thoughts as well as to give current and future ap students some food for thought, especially with how they feel about these defining high school exams.

What Are AP Exams?

AP Exams are national standardized exams offered during the first 2 weeks of May. For a lot of students, their course curriculum is built around teaching the content of the exams in preparation for said exam.


Looking back, the school I went to put a lot of emphasis on taking AP courses and exams - which definitely had a big impact on my experience regarding them. That being said, I struggle to exactly categorize my experience with exams as either entirely positive or entirely negative. As AP Literature as taught me, the world is shades of grey.

With the end of junior year, I’ve taken a total of 10 AP exams. I’d like to think that for each exam, I’ve learned a bit. Not just about the content in the course, but also as a person. To me, AP courses are far more than just the content being taught. A large part of taking AP exams is about dealing with stress, managing study habits, and ultimately pushing myself to succeed in uncomfortable environments.

Things I’ve Enjoyed About AP Exams

Aside from the obvious answers like personal growth or learning difficult content. I honestly believe the thing I’ve enjoyed the most about AP exams are the fact that they’re rigorous. In my years of taking ap courses, one axiom has stayed true, that if you put your mind to something you can accomplish it. Putting it in words, I recognize how cliche it sounds, but there’s a reason why it’s a common saying. From my experience with AP exams, I genuinely believe in that approach to both education, as well as life. To not give up without giving myself a fighting chance.

Cliches aside, I’ve also enjoyed the people I’ve met in AP classes. In general, AP courses attract people who are genuinely interested in the material being taught, which creates a great environment to learn in. Having peers, but also friends who also want to put in lots of work definitely helps everyone to learn. For people who are on the fence of if they should take an AP Exam, I would give a wholehearted endorsement, if not anything, just for the environment.

Things I’ve Enjoyed Less About AP Exams

The first thing that comes to mind would definitely be the added stress. In many ways it’s an unavoidable part of life. The added stress that comes along with taking challenging material, but also the exams. I’ve felt and also seen many friends and peers in the months leading up to the AP Exams but enormous amounts of pressure on themselves. To many, doing well on the AP exam is directly correlated with their ability to succeed in life. What that means, is that many people push themselves, sometimes too far in an attempt to succeed in these exams. As such when I look at my school and the emphasis it puts on rigorous academic curriculum, my mind goes to the stress that I and many peers went through in preparation for those exams.

Now I don’t want to sound all doom and gloom. Dealing with stress is a skill and part of life. I would even say that on net, the stress of AP exams has been a good thing. It’s when the stress starts to creep into other areas of my life, where I start drawing a line. I’ve certainly been guilty of letting the stress of exams take control of my life, and I’m sure other people have too. I believe once the focus on AP exams starts to take control of the other parts of your life, it’s gone too far. AP exams shouldn’t prevent you from experiencing high school, rather they should be a component of your high school experience.


Finishing AP exams feels like a chapter of my life that’s done. Next year, I’ve got a lot less stress about doing good, which definitely helps. I’m glad for the opportunities to learn both about myself and about interesting concepts.

If I were to give advice to other people who are currently taking or plan to take AP exams, I would probably say to put emphasis on your education, but to not lose who you are. Don’t let AP exams over-ride who you are as a person and your individual interests, but also don’t completely give up on studying. It’s a tough juggling act, but with practice I’m sure you’ll succeed.